Day 4: Naples to San Felice Circeo

It feels like the lads are getting into the meat of the trip now, with over 250 miles completed in the first three days, and a variety of terrains and roads all dealt with, from mountainous single track to dual carriageways.

After a good nights sleep in the heart of the old town of Naples, another early start (much to Gary’s dismay….bored of this yet?) saw the lads battle their way through the cobbled streets and manic Neapolitans on two wheels and four, to the stadium San Paulo home of Napoli FC.

A quick photo stop and it was down to serious business – 95 miles up the coast to San Felice Circeo, in the Roman province of Lazio (that’s Calabria, Basilicata and Campania all done!). Not all the Italian Mediterranean coast looks like it belongs in a tourism brochure, and today the lycra gladiators had to deal with what felt like a never-ending strip of run-down or derelict seaside resorts. At least the roads were straight and flat, although the crosswinds were back again.

The River Garigliano marks the boundary between Campania and Lazio provinces, and the crossing feels like more than just a line on a map. Almost immediately, the landscape and environment improve, as the underfunded ‘South’ gives way to the much more prosperous ‘North’. The towns and seaside resorts have a more upmarket feel, and the roads improve along with the on-road behaviour of the locals.

Having ridden a mammoth session of 59 miles before lunch, it was a relief to find a nice restaurant on the seafront in Gaeta, occupying a beautiful position on a mountainous headland.

For the first time on the tour, the wind swung round to the back of the lads. Providing a much-needed boost as the tunnels and viaducts returned on the road to Sperlonga, another picture-perfect Italian seaside resort. No time for sightseeing on this trip though, another 36 miles to cover before dinner!

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